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I’ve got just under a month until my flight and I am beyond excited! I’ve been ridiculously busy this week, as every day I am spending minimum two hours on the computer, filling out more forms and writing ten billion emails, looking up information or doing something for study abroad. But this week was also a week of small victories! I’ve got my accommodation sorted out, which is a nice little weight off my shoulders, and have sent out the last few big forms to get approved. 

I’ve still got a small list of things to do, and August is quickly coming to a close, but I’m confident that I’ll be 95% ready by the first of September! (Perspective wise, I’m at about 70% right now). I feel like this is becoming a harsher reality because of all the legal forms I’m filling out. The fact that I’m a legal adult and have to do a lot of these things completely on my own is a little hit in the face. Hey, what can I say, I’m an adult legally but I still feel like a kid. Most of my life, people look to my parents for confirmation. All of a sudden, people are looking to me and I’m still looking at them! I have to do this all on my own, every single form, every single interview and every single decision I make, and it’s unnerving having literally EVERYONE watching my every move. It’s a nice confidence booster once good things happen, but I still get beyond super nervous before I do something “adult” like. Ah well, once all my forms are done, I will feel so much better and so much more confident! 

I hope September will be just finishing touches and prepping to live abroad through packing! I have a small pile going in the corner of my room, but it will probably move to the spare room once it takes over my entire floor. Lists are being made on what I need to buy, what I have and what I’m going to buy abroad. So much to do, and time is running out! 

Off to go send MORE emails!
